Budget shortfalls shutter two of three North Carolina's Inland Ferries

Sadly, as a result of budget shortfalls NCDOT is halting operations on two of its three inland river ferries. These small cable pulled ferries are relics to the past and crossings at some of these sites date to the 1800s. The two northeastern North Carolina ferries - Sans Souci and Parkers - will shut down. The Elwell Ferry over the Cape Fear River in Bladen County will remain in operation.


We have features on all three inland ferries:
Parkers: http://carolinaxroads.blogspot.com/2017/01/parkers-ferry.html
Sans Souci: http://carolinaxroads.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-second-cable-ferry-in-north.html
Elwell: http://carolinaxroads.blogspot.com/2016/07/elwell-ferry.html
